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As a thank you, we wanted to give you another valuable tool, our Profit Calculator. This tool is normally reserved for our ‘Double Your Profit Programme‘ a guided online programme which is part of the Business Growth Institute, designed to help ambitious business owners double their profit in 12 months or less.
We use this tool early on in the programme to help our clients start thinking about organising their business around profit and how they do that in a consistent and most importantly a well managed way.
You can download the Profit Calculator below and to give you some context and guidance about how to use it we’ve included the video session from the Double Your Profit Programme.
In the video, Shaun Walsh, founder of Business Growth Services will step through the methodology that underpins our approach to business profitability and how you can use it to significantly grow your profits in a controlled manner;-
We hope that armed with new insight from the Profitability Calculator you can use it to help manage your business to a profit target. But of course, if you’d like, you can reach out to Shaun for an initial strategy call to discuss your profit targets, where you would like to get to and how you go about getting there.